3 Things to Avoid 🚫 on Upwork to Get Upto 125K+ πŸ’΅ Revenue.

95 out of 100 Upwork proposals are trash πŸ—‘οΈ & 98 out of 100 Upwork profiles need improvement.

The above facts say πŸ”Š a lot to you. 

Most of the tips and advice people transfer from one to another are not worth πŸ‘Ž, and eventually people makes more and more mistakes on Upwork.

Here are the top 3 Upwork mistakes that people make on Upwork. 

🚫 Avoid these 3 mistakes and understand what to do instead to get πŸš€ 125K+ of revenue on Upwork. 

1. Not Bidding With the Right Rate πŸ’°

One of the biggest mistakes people make is bidding with low rates. 

They believe that they will get more responses πŸ“§ and revenue πŸ’Ή if they will provide their services at low rates.

Here they completely ignore the human psychology πŸ’‘ about quality work and price. (Just like Salmanbhai ignores physics in his movies)

Just like you can’t get Reebok shoes πŸ‘Ÿ for 5$, genuine clients know that they can’t get good quality of work with very low rates. 

Eventually, you position your profile and services in the low-quality zone. 

Instead, you can review your competitor’s rates and choose the most suitable rate according to your services, experience, and quality of work.

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2. Writing Proposal Upside Down. πŸ™ƒ

1 out of 3 Upwork proposals needs to answer one or more additional questions after you write the cover letter. (Yes, some people research this also)

Since a cover letter comes first in the way of proposal writing, most people will obviously put their majority efforts ⚑ into writing the best cover letter to make it stand out in comparison with others. And then he will deal with the additional question as an afterthought.

What If I tell you it’s upside down OR in the wrong way approach? 

To understand my point, you need to see this from the client’s perspective, because on client side Upwork shows screening questions first and then cover letter.

So, additional questions are the first things they see while reviewing your proposal and this makes them even more important than a cover letter. 

Treating them afterthoughts OR applying less required information to them is a big mess with proposals. 

Upwork calls additional questions “Screening Questions”, which is why they are using these questions to decide if a client needs to read your cover later OR not, If you are not writing your additional question with the efforts required, then the client will simply skip your proposal no matter how good your cover letter is, they would not go there and will reject the proposal.

3. Designing Profile Wrong ❌

After analyzing lots of profiles on Upwork, I see people making lots and lots of mistakes while designing their profiles. 

Your profile should work like your salesperson. 

Here are common profile mistakes 🚫 that you should stop making right now

  • Being superman 
  • Not adding niche personalized profiles
  • Talking about themselves πŸ—£οΈ
  • Being too salesy 
  • Talking, not showing 

Instead, you can consider the βœ… below points while designing your Upwork Profile 

  • Highlight the services where you have expertise πŸ”–
  • Divide your services and create a specialized profile
  • Talk about your ideal client persona, their pain points, and goals
  • Don’t sell, help clients solve a problem 
  • Instead of saying how you can help, show them relevant experience.

If you are making similar mistakes on Upwork, then stop doing it now and notice the rise πŸ’Ή in your revenue on Upwork.

Anything to add❓❓❓Share your thoughts at ‘[email protected]

πŸ“Œ Wants to learn the 5 key elements to drive 8x Upwork responses? 

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